In India, there are 2 stages of medical admissions. In the first stage, the student prepares and appears in the National Entrance cum Eligibility Test (NEET). NEET UG for admission eligibility in medical UG programs such as MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS etc. is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). NEET PG for admission eligibility in medical PG programs such as MD, MS, DNB and Post MBBS Diploma is conducted by National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS). The NEET qualifying mark for general and EWS category students is kept at 50th percentile. For reserved category students belonging to OBC, SC, ST, the qualifying percentile is fixed as 40th percentile.
NEET is an entrance cum eligibility test therefore all the students who are declared eligible in NEET exam are allowed to participate in the next stage of medical admission called medical admission counselling. Medical admission counselling is an online process of seat allotment for admissions in the medical colleges in India. There are 2 levels of medical admission counselling, one conducted by MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) a body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Second level of medical admission counselling is conducted by respective state medical counselling committees
Important things to know and understand about NEET
- It is mandatory to qualify NEET for admission in any clinical program in India. Even for pursuing MBBS from medical colleges in foreign countries, NEET UG qualification is must.
- A NEET qualified student must participate in process of medical admission counselling for admission in medical colleges in India. If a student has not participated in any medical admission counselling process, he/she can’t be allotted a seat in any medical college in India.
- There is NO direct admission possible on any clinical program in any medical college irrespective of government, private or deemed medical institution. Direct admission is possible only for studying MBBS from medical colleges in foreign countries.
- All medical colleges in India offer admission through online common counselling conducted either by MCC or state medical admission counselling committees. There is no discretion or offline admission allowed through management of any medical college.
NEET UG is a centralized qualifying test for admission on the following:
- All India Quota Seats
- State Government Quota Seats
- Central Institutions/Universities/Deemed Universities
- Armed Forces Medical College, Pune
- State/Management/NRI Quota Seats in Private Medical / Dental Colleges or any Private University
- Central Pool Quota Seats
- All seats including NRI Quota as well as Management Quota, are in private unaided/aided minority / non-minority medical colleges.
- AIIMS Institutes across India/JIPMER.
No state/ institution will be allowed to conduct any other entrance test for admission in any clinical program in any medical institution.
The results of NEET UG may also be utilized by entities of central and state governments for admission in B.Sc Nursing, B.V.Sc & AH courses.
Eligibility to appear in NEET (UG)
A candidate must have completed 17 years of age at the time of admission or will complete that age on or before 31 December of the year of his/her admission to the first year of the Undergraduate Medical Course. Accordingly, the applicant shall be born on or before 31st December 2007 to be eligible for NEET UG 2024.
There is NO upper age limit for appearing in NEET UG exam w.e.f NEET UG 2023. on 9th Mach 2022, NMC has waived off the upper age limit for appearing in NEET UG.
To be eligible for NEET (UG) - 2023, the candidate must have passed in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Bio- technology at the qualifying examination. For admission in AIIMS, the minimum of 60% marks are required.
Pattern of the Test
The Test pattern of NEET (UG) - 2023 comprises four Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Each subject will consist of two sections. Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 Questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates can choose to attempt any 10 Questions.
All the questions will be MCQ type (Multiple Choice Questions). In the event of a candidate has attempted more than 10 questions from Section B, only the first 10 attempted questions will be considered for evaluation.
Mode of Examination
NEET (UG) – 2023 is a Pen & Paper-based Test, to be answered on the specially designed machine gradable OMR sheet using Ball Point Pen which is provided at the Centre.
Duration of NEET UG exam
The duration of NEET UG exam is 3 hours and 20 minutes (200 minutes). NEET UG exam is conducted on a single session between 2PM to 5.20 PM on the scheduled date in all exam centres across India and abroad.
Medium of Question papers
Candidates can opt for a Question Paper in any one of the following 13 languages. Candidates opting for English/Hindi/Regional Languages would be provided Test Booklet in English + Hindi + selected Regional Language. For Example: If a candidate opted Tamil (out of 13 languages), the Test Booklet would be provided in English + Hindi + Tamil. In case of any ambiguity in the translation of a question in the test, its English version shall be treated as final.
- English
- Hindi
- Assamese
- Bengali
- Gujarati
- Malayalam
- Kannada
- Marathi
- Odia
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Urdu
- Punjabi
Marking scheme of NEET UG
A student must enter the choice of answer on the given OMR sheet. A student must not fill more than one choice of answer on OMR sheet otherwise the answer will be marked incorrect. Correct option marked will be given (4) marks and Incorrect option marked will be given minus one (-1) mark. Unattempted/Unanswered Questions will be given no marks.
To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, if any anomaly or discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, it shall be addressed in the following manner:
- Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Four marks (+4)
- Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
- Unanswered: No mark (0).
- If more than one option is found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.
- If all options are found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.
- If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given four marks (+4) irrespective of the fact whether the question has been attempted or not attempted by the candidate.
Instructions for completing the Online Application Form
- The candidate, before submitting the application form online, must ensure his eligibility to appear in the test. The candidate is required to go through the Information Bulletin carefully and be clear about all requirements with regard to the submission of the Application Form.
- The Candidate should fill in complete correspondence and permanent address with the pin code, e-mail address, and mobile number (own or Parents/Guardian only) for future correspondence.
- Candidates must ensure that mobile numbers and e-mail ID filled in the online Application Form are their own or Parents/Guardian only as NTA will communicate through SMS or e- mail on the given mobile number and e-mail ID.
- Candidate should not give the postal address, contact number/mobile number, and e-mail ID of Coaching Centres in their Online Application Form.
- Those Candidates who have passed should fill Code [02 to 07] against the column provided for in case of Qualifying Examination
- Candidates appearing in Class 12 in 2023 should select a qualifying code as 01.
- The Application Form other than the one filled in online mode will not be accepted. The Candidates are not required to send the Confirmation Page of the Online Application Form or any other document to the NTA. However, the candidates are advised to preserve at least four copies of the Confirmation Page along with the proof of fee paid for future reference.
- A candidate shall not fill in more than one application form. If a candidate submits more than one Application Form, his candidature will be cancelled.
- If during any stage of examination, any doubt arises that a candidate has filled in multiple forms or impersonated or not provided genuine information or given fake or false, information or the likes such a candidate can be asked to give additional proof of his identity at any point of time.
- If at any stage, including after declaration of result, it is found that the candidate has submitted duplicate forms or has been involved in any form of impersonation or fabricated facts, such candidate shall be liable for severe penalty including being debarred from taking the NTA examination for a period of three years. Such candidates shall also be liable for suitable criminal action under relevant laws of the country.
The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website ( and appear for the Examination at the given Centre on the Date and timing as indicated in their Admit Card. The candidate may note that Admit Card will not be sent by post.
In case a candidate is unable to download his/ her Admit Cards from the website, he or she may approach the Help Line between 10:00 am to 05.00 pm or write an email to NTA at
The candidates are advised to read the instructions given in this Information Bulletin as well as on the Admit Card carefully and follow them scrupulously during the conduct of the examination.
In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown in the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help Line between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. In such cases, candidates would appear in the Examination with the already downloaded Admit Card. However, NTA will take necessary action to make corrections in the record later.
The candidate will not be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after 1:30 pm Therefore, the candidate shall leave home well in advance taking into consideration various factors such as traffic, location of the Centre and weather conditions, etc. A candidate who comes after 01:30 pm shall not be permitted to enter the Examination Centre under any circumstances.
In the NEET UG examination hall, Slippers, sandals with low heels are permitted. Shoes are not permitted. Light clothes with long sleeves are not permitted.
The candidate will bring only the following to the Examination Centre:
- A printed copy of Admit Card downloaded from NTA website with passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Application form pasted on it).
- One passport size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) for pasting on the specific space in the Attendance Sheet at Centre during NEET (UG) Examination.
- One Post Card Size (4”X6”) color photograph with white background should be pasted on the Proforma downloaded with the Admit Card and should be handed over to Invigilator at Centre.
- Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original and valid and like PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhaar Card /Ration Card/ Class 12 Admit Card with Photograph /any other valid photo ID issued by the Government.
- PwBD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD category.
Note: Candidate who does not bring the downloaded proforma with a postcard size (4”X6”) photograph pasted and one passport size photograph will not be allowed to sit in the examination and shall lead to his/her disqualification.
Barred Items
The candidates will be subjected to extensive and compulsory frisking before entering the Examination Centre with the help of highly sensitive metal detectors. The candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the Examination Centre under any circumstances.
- Any item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner, etc.
- Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band, etc.
- Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, etc.
- Any Watch/Wristwatch, Bracelet, Camera, etc.
- Any ornaments/metallic items.
- Any food items opened or packed, water bottle, etc.
- Any other item which could be used for unfair means, by hiding communication devices like a microchip, camera, Bluetooth device, etc.
NEET-PG is an eligibility-cum-ranking examination prescribed as the single entrance examination for admission to various MD/MS and PG Diploma Courses of all government, private and deemed medical colleges in India except AIIMS and INIs. No other entrance examination, either at the state or the Institution level, is allowed for entry to MD/MS/PG Diploma courses except INICET conducted by AIIMS.
NEET-PG is the single eligibility cum entrance examination for admission to MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses which include the following:
- All India 50% quota seats for all States/Union territories of India.
- State quota seats for all States/Union territories of India.
- All Private Medical Colleges, Institutions & Universities/Deemed Universities all across the country
- Armed Forces Medical Services Institutions.
- Post MBBS DNB Courses, Direct 6 years DrNB Courses and Post MBBS NBEMS Diploma Courses
The following Medical institutions are not covered by centralized admissions for MD/MS seats through NEET- PG. The admission in these institutions are managed through INICET which is conducted by AIIMS Delhi:
- AIIMS, New Delhi and other AIIMS
- PGIMER, Chandigarh
- JIPMER, Puducherry
- NIMHANS, Bengaluru
- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum
NEET- PG is mandatory even for foreign nationals seeking admission in medical courses in India. Qualifying NEET-PG is mandatory for entry to MD/MS/PG Diploma courses under various Universities/ Institutions in the country.
NEET-PG is conducted by National Board of Examination in Medical Sciences (NBEMS). The role of NBEMS is limited to the conduct of NEET-PG, declaration of the result and handing over the result to the designated counselling authority.
NBEMS has no role in counselling and allotment of PG seats. The seat allotment for the admission in MD/MS/PG Diploma courses is done through medical admission counselling conducted by MCC and State medical counselling committees.
NEET PG is generally conducted during the month of March-April every year however the schedule of NEET PG has become highly unpredictable after covid-19. For example, in 2024, NEET PG is tentatively scheduled in the month of July. The tentative date for NEET PG 2024 is July 7, 2024.
Eligibility for NEET PG
It is mandatory to pass the MBBS degree along with completion of mandatory internship before the declared cut off date for NEET PG. For example, in 2024 the cut off date for completion of internship is 15th August 2024. Anyone who is not likely to complete his/her internship before 15th August shall not be eligible to participate in medical admission counselling process.
Registration with the NMC/ the erstwhile Medical Council of India or State Medical Council is necessary and its documentary proof is required furnished by the candidates on the day of examination. A student will be asked for registration certificate at the time of entry in centre for NEET PG exam.
Eligibility criteria for foreign medical graduates
Indian citizens or overseas citizens of India who have obtained their Primary Medical Qualifications from Medical Colleges outside India should have qualified the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (Screening Test) which is conducted by National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences.
Further, they should have been registered with the NMC/ the erstwhile Medical Council of India or State Medical Council and should have completed their internship or likely to complete their internship on or before the prescribed cut off date. In case of NEET PG 2024, the cut off date will be 15th August 2024.
Scheme of NEET PG examination
NEET-PG is conducted in a single day & single session as a computer based examination. NEET PG examination is a multiple choice questions test of 3 hrs 30 minutes duration. The syllabus for NEET PG is prescribed by National Medical Commission (NMC).
NEET PG exam starts at 9 AM and ends at 12.30 PM. The candidates are required to report at the designated exam centre at least 30 minutes before the start time of NEET PG. The exam comprises of 200 Multiple Choice Questions with each question having 4 response options/ distractors in English language only.
Candidates are required to select the correct/best/most appropriate response/answer out of the 4 response options provided in each question. A student gets 4 marks for each correct answer and loses 1 mark for every wrong answer. There is no deduction/negative marking for unattempted questions.
Documents required at test centre for NEET PG
On the day of NEET PG exam, candidates MUST bring to the test centre the following documents:
- Printed copy of Barcoded/QR Coded Admit card with his/her recent coloured photograph pasted on it
- Photocopy of Permanent / Provisional SMC/MCI/NMC registration. This photocopy will be be retained by the test centre.
- Any one of the below mentioned Govt issued photo IDs (must be original and valid/non-expired):
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card (With Photograph)
It is advisable to carry more than one type of photo ID for smooth verification. No other ID proof will be accepted as proof of identity at NEET PG exam centre. Candidates are required to keep their admit card and photo identification with them at all times during the conduct of examination.

About Light House
In India, students and parents fail to get the best outcome from medical admission counselling process. As a result, they either lose an opportunity of admission or they take admission in a medical college which may not be as good as they could have got or worse, they lose money due to fake promises and poor guidance.NEET Navigator offers India’s most authentic and advanced data analytics based medical admission counselling guidance for NEET UG (MBBS, BDS, BAMS), NEET PG (MD, MS, DNB, MDS) and NEET SS (DM, M.CH) in all India Government, Private and Deemed medical institutions.